ESG, we call it sustainability

ESG, we call it sustainability

At Skanska, we shape sustainable places to support healthy living beyond our lifetime. We implement climate-smart solutions at each stage of the lifecycle of buildings we create. We create spaces that support the health and safety of users and visitors contribute to the development of local communities and support their needs.  

In everything we do, we apply the highest ethical standards and require the same from our employees, subcontractors, and suppliers. By taking these actions, we’re working towards achieving our sustainability aspirations and helping our customers meet theirs.  

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[E] for Environment


Reduction of carbon emissions

from our operations since 2015 


Executive Safety Visits

performed by senior managers on our construction sites


Women in senior positions

the four most senior levels below the President and CEO 

Metro 4v3
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[S] for Social agenda

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[G] for Governance

In Skanska, we have been reporting on our environmental impact since 1997 — way before it became a requirement and standard.